

In the opening of the Legislative year, the governor of Santa Fe listed his 144 days of management and the more than one hundred measures taken under the Coronavirus pandemic.


In his opening address to the 138th regular session of the Santa Fe Legislature, Governor Omar Perotti reviewed his 144-day management, highlighted the joint work with all the political forces in the province, and stressed: "We have already taken more than 100 steps to address the health emergency and alleviate the social and economic impact, which are the pillars of the strategy."

And after thanking "the effort and commitment of the Santafesinos that make this province of Santa Fe possible," he said: "We firmly believe in the State. A state that must be present and stronger than ever, to protect the health and guarantee the lives of people. A state that must be creative and innovative."

"It was essential to anticipate and take action in coordination with all sectors, with whom we have worked side by side and where there has been no room for party distinctions. As a result, we were able to make tremendous progress and today the province is better prepared in these six weeks of a pandemic that increases inequalities," he stressed.


"We have taken more than 100 measures in these six weeks of pandemic to address the health emergency and alleviate the social and economic impact," the governor said. In this regard, he pointed to the implementation of the 0800-555-6549 for medical consultations, which has been operating since 13 March, a key measure for early case detection, home isolation control and neighbouring containment. "This allowed us to sort and centralize information rapidly. We have already answered 60,776 calls, and 66% of confirmed cases were detected by this means," he remarked.

He also mentioned the formation of the Committee of Experts, composed of infectologists, hospital directors, representatives of biochemical and pharmaceutical associations, Conicet scientists, representatives of universities, former provincial ministers, unions, private health providers and municipal authorities, where "we have had the opportunity to listen, exchange opinions and make decisions on fundamental issues related to pandemic."

He stressed, "We form the Coordination Committee, in which we participate with the deputy governor; the president of the Chamber of Deputies, and the ministers. The intention is to decentralize the emergency to increase the speed of execution in each of the departments, coordinating with municipalities and communes, other provinces and the National Government."

"This committee, together with the expert group and the 0800, are the pillars on which the pandemic management strategy has been reinforced since day zero. These measures allowed us to unify information in real time, in liaison with the Situation Room of the Ministry of Health of The Nation," he recalled.

And he added: "We have established for all the Santafesinos who returned from abroad the 14-day obligatory isolation, regardless the country from which they came. We identified and monitored more than 27,379 travellers who returned from abroad, of whom 846 remain still quarantined, and we also enabled line 0800-555-6768 for non-compliance reports."


Around the health system, the governor listed the increase in capacities, such as the increase in the public sector of 64 percent of critical beds compared to last year. Between the public and private sectors, the province now has 914 critical beds. And the number will continue to grow with the beds to be incorporated in the Granadero Baigorria modular hospital.

"We have reached, to date, next to the private sector, a total of 5,836 general beds. In just six weeks, 278 non-hospital isolation centres were set up, and we have 6,537 beds ready, and 1,590 in preparation, spread over 228 locations in the province," he said.

In the meantime, he recalled that 54 respirators were sent by the Nation and there are a total of 221 in the public sector. "Tomorrow we will receive 20 more respirators, to continue increasing critical beds," he announced.


The head of the Grey House further said that the pandemic exposed structural deficits. One of them is the poor connectivity of the province. 50 percent of boys and girls do not have internet, and there are 78 locations that are not reached by the landline. Connectivity has to be a basic right. We are not going to rest until we make sure that all the Santafesinos can have access to quality and accessible connection."

In this regard, he anticipated, "A project to expand quality fixed broadband coverage for our province was carried out. And we convene universities, service companies, technology analysts and entrepreneurs, among other actors, to join the council for improving connectivity."


On the other hand, in the area of security, he announced the presentation of three new projects: the Public Security Act, to establish the legal and institutional bases of the provincial public security system, with focus on the political leadership of the police system; the Police System Act, which promotes the adequacy of a modern, professional, democratic and gender-based police model; and the Control of Police System Act, to optimize the institutional capacities related to the investigation and sanction of disciplinary offenses and the investigation of illegal activities that police personnel may engage in.


In another section of his presentation, he confirmed: “A Provincial Council for the Promotion of The Knowledge Economy will be created, so that we can all analyze how to consolidate Santa Fe as a center of scientific and technological development, and a business hub of the knowledge economy".

"In these spaces of decision," he said, "Nowadays, it is essential to incorporate those who will be the forefront in the "future". That's why we're going to create a Young Council, to start working from now on the future challenges of the province: climate change, gender, health, industries 4.0, digital inclusion and regional integration, among others." He added: "In partnership with the private sector, we are going to consolidate a public policy that transforms the talent of the Santafesinos into more and better employment, and exports of knowledge-based services."


He also mentioned a package of measures to help SMEs, including Banco Santa Fe, a high-quality digital management entity, to finance existing enterprises, reduce cash use and financially assist small and micro-enterprises. Digital banking will serve segments that traditionally do not access traditional banking products.

Also, the "Santa Fe Garantiza", to support the granting of new loans with the provincial guarantee system, and a budget programme of rate subsidy for SMEs in the province, with the aim of reducing financing costs.

To support SMEs, financial assistance of 125 million pesos was also allocated for those sectors that do not have access to formal loans through the network of development agencies and partnerships. The appropriations will be used to aid the working capital of service, trading and industrial micro-SMEs.

Also, it was created a program to advise companies and cooperatives with the possibility of diversifying and reconverting to meet the needs of the health system, with the aim of supporting the production of essential inputs to supply health demands in the current context of pandemic.


"We want to ensure a decent quality of life, in which all Santafesinos can have access to basic services. In this sense, we signed a framework agreement for 2,247,104 million pesos with the national government to carry out sanitation works that improve access to drinking water and the extension of sewers in the shortest possible time," Perotti said.

On this point, he announced that in this first stage infrastructure works will be carried out in: Casilda, Esperanza, Firmat, Funes, Rafaela, Reconquista, Rosario, Santa Fe, and Santo Tomé.

To close, Perotti noted: "We have adopted a logic of responsibility that allows us to build a future, a new social consensus, beyond political ideas, which highlights the role of the state. For better health, for better education, for better safety. That is why I do not want to forget the solidarity of the Santafesinos, which spreads faster than the virus." He concluded, "We are moving into a province that can rebuild its social bonds and live in peace."


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