

The governor and the Minister of Public Works of the Nation toured the works at the Rafaela hospital to analyze an alternative of functionalization.

"An alternative to increase the provincial hospital infrastructure is presented here. We come with the minister how to improve the public sector ability to respond," said Governor Omar Perotti while visiting the works of Rafaela hospital along with the Minister of Public Works of the Nation, Gabriel Katopodis. and the Minister of Infrastructure, Public Services and Habitat, Silvina Frana. They toured the works of the National Route No. 34 and the Hospital in Rafaela.

As he toured the works of the hospital, the governor described that it was the skeleton of the building of a hospital of old history in this city, which was unfinished, like so many other works in the province, and nowadays there is an alternative to launch it".

"There is a major leap in the province. From the beginning the concern was to have respirators and critical beds. This work led the province to make a thorough survey to find out the availability in each of the public health centres. We have a significant shortage in the public sector. In recent years we have lacked intensive therapy units and respirators for traditional diseases. Imagine if with that structure we would be facing the Coronavirus."

"Today," Perotti continued, "with the time gained by the president's decision to establish distancing, we have an increase of 50% in public beds."

"In addition, we will provide drinking water and sanitation throughout the province through an agreement signed with the Nation for more than 2.2 billion pesos. Works to be carried out in different locations of the province to improve and benefit our neighborhoods. That is part of the investment that we are prioritizing in this stage of fighting the Coronavirus, strengthening the health structure of the province of Santa Fe," the governor concluded.

On his part, Katopodis stated, “All the works have a very clear objective: to launch public work as a lever to build the country. We are convinced that we are going to emerge from this pandemic with a strong state. We are going to rebuild the life of every Argentinian, of each of our neighbors who need to see us close to them."


The authorities also toured the works of National Route No. 34, "a route that is vital and very good news. This action of putting it back on, of being able to return to the region an initiative that postponed for many years, which was started with a visit of President Kirchner, the first visit to the city, where we talked about that route of production, taking from Ceres, passing through Rafaela and following to Rosario," said Governor Perotti.


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